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Sunday, September 8, 2019

"Becoming Us" by Robin Jones Gunn

Becoming Us
Having read several Todd & Christy books, I was super excited when I realized this book was a continuation of their life together.

Becoming Us (Haven Makers Book 1) by Robin Jones Gunn is a tale of friendship and forgiveness. It details not only how Todd & Christy become “us” with a new life away from his family, but also how Christy and her friends become a tribe.

This book made me yearn for my own DOE group. I have a tribe, although just four ladies. We are at that time in our lives, all busy with our own families, where we don’t have much time for each other. However, these are ladies I could call in the middle of the night and they would come. These are shoulders on which I have cried and those that I have supported.

Ladies need shoulders… a tribe for when we are angry with our husbands, our children and even ourselves. We need shoulders not only for life’s disappointments but also to share our triumphs. We need shoulders for dinners, movies, and weekend getaways.

I loved the “Welcome to Womanhood” party. I only wish this book came out a few years ago. The party is so sweet and endearing. Making your girls feel a part of a tribe rather than dirty, alone, ashamed, or ugly.

Most importantly, Robin reminds us to always live for your King of Kings!

Publication Date: May 7, 2019

Genre: Christian Fiction, Religious Fiction, Chick Lit

Cover: Perfect

Rating: 5 stars

Source:  I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review. Thank you for the opportunity to read this great book!

#BecomingUs #NetGalley